Living Kidney Donors Network

Life Donated … Multiplies Life

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Harvey Mysel, Founder
Living Kidney Donors Network (LKDN)

LKDN is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization established in 2007 by Harvey Mysel. LKDN primary mission is to help those in need of a kidney transplant develop a campaign to have a successful living kidney transplant experience.

The free online program, Having Your Kidney Donor Find YOU! was developed for this purpose. The thought of Having Your Donor Find YOU! sounds like an unusual approach, but this is what actually happens. By spreading the word about your need, Your Donor Finds YOU.

Harvey is a 2-time kidney transplant recipient. After proactively managing an inherited kidney condition, PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) for over 20 years he had his first kidney transplant in February 2007. He was fortunate that his wife Amy was a compatible donor.

Harvey contracted a virus, (BK Virus,) 2 years after his transplant and after years of battling this virus, in August 2012 he had his second kidney transplant. Harvey and his donor, Stephen Liegghio, who was introduced to Harvey by an advocate, were involved in a 3-way paired exchange.

Here are some of the programs that Harvey has facilitated:

  • In addition to the online programs, Harvey moderates the in person LKDN Workshop, “Having Your Kidney Donor Find You.” Over 2,000 people have participated in these programs and the workshop has been offered at many transplant centers, dialysis clinics and many other organizations that support end stage renal patients.
  • Harvey recorded a video for DaVita Kidney Care, How To Find a Kidney Donor that is on their website, Transplant Smart. Click here to see the video.
  • Many National Kidney Foundation affiliates have hosted the Having Your Kidney Donor Find YOU! workshop.
  • Presented “Making a Difference in Living Kidney Transplantation” to The Society of Transplant Social Workers at their Annual Conference. Those attending received CE credits.
  • Fresenius and DaVita invited Harvey to present his training program to over 100 social workers.
  • Guest panelist with Northwestern Memorial’s Dr. John Friedewald & Dr. Joseph Leventhal of Northwestern Memorial Hospital on the WTTW “Chicago Tonight,” a PBS station to discuss the recent changes in living kidney transplantation.
  • Has be asked multiple times to present at PKD Foundation National Convention and lead the LKDN workshop for many PKDF Chapters.
  • Wrote cover story for the of the AAKP, (American Association of Kidney Patients,) magazine Renalife, “It’s About Your Donor Finding You!” Facilitated the LKDN workshop at the AAKP National Patient Meeting numerous time.
  • UNOS, (United Network for Organ Sharing) invited Harvey to give a presentation to their Transplant Coordinators Committee Meeting on Living Kidney Donation.
  • Contributor for the PKD Foundation “Progress” magazine in the “Ask The Experts” column.

Harvey was a past member of the Board of Directors of TRIO (Transplant Recipients International Organization) and ALODF (American Living Organ Donor Fund.)

In addition to the work he does at the LKDN, Harvey is a tri-athlete, competing in a triathlon 5 months after his first transplant. He is a 3-time Gold Medal winner and Silver medalist in the Transplant Games. Harvey is an accomplished bicycle rider, tennis player, platform tennis player, bowler, hiker and rock climber.

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Having Your KIDNEY Donor Find YOU! sounds like an unusual approach to pursuing a live kidney donor. . Click here.

Kidney Transplant Thursdays
On the 2nd Thursday of every month Kidney Transplant Thursdays encourages the kidney transplant community to educate the public about the need for living kidney donors. For individuals, click here, for organizations, click here